On Overcoming Invalidation you will hear the wisdom and compassion of Angela Silva and Rev. William Duby. Together they founded the Spiritual Rights Foundation. Angela’s life experience has taken her through addiction, motherhood, broken relationships and a life on the street, to success as a teacher, leader and president of the Spiritual Rights Foundation. Learn her perspective on the “Spiritual Path” and how she made it to where she is. Hear from Rev. Bill Duby why he said that “Angela is the embodiment of the teaching” offered at the Spiritual Rights Foundation.
Track 1 & 2 - Angela Silva shares her insight and experience (21:45)
Track 3 - Rev. William Duby on the Life of Angela Silva (49:24)
Note: As this recording was originally captured LIVE, you may notice imperfections in recording quality. Please be patient! We believe the value of the content more than makes up for it!
Disclaimer: Some of our recordings were captured live, in classrooms. Please allow for variations in the sound quality.
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